Accreditation is the act of granting credit or recognition, especially to an educational institution that maintains suitable standards. Academic programs undertaken at TIMES Institute are accredited with relevant bodies like Pakistan Bar Council (PBC), Pharmacy Council of Pakistan (PCP), Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC) & National Agricultural Education Accreditation Council (NAEAC). The following Accreditation Councils of Pakistan accredit respective programs of TIMES:   


Pakistan Bar Council:   
The Pakistan Bar Council is the highest elected body of lawyers in Pakistan established under the Parliament Act, namely “THE LEGAL PRACTITIONERS & BAR COUNCILS ACT, 1973”. The Attorney-General for Pakistan is its ex-officio Chairman, whereas it has twenty-three elected Members from throughout the country representing each province. The Members of the Pakistan Bar Council are elected based on a single transferable vote by Members of the Provincial Bar Councils. The Council also elects its Vice-Chairman every year from amongst its elected Members.   

Pharmacy Council of Pakistan:   
The Pharmacy Council of Pakistan is a professional body responsible for registering pharmacists and the promotion of pharmacy education in the country. The Pharmacy Council Pakistan (PCP) is the regulator established in terms of “The Pharmacy Act, 1967” to regulate pharmacists, pharmacy support personnel, and pharmacy premises in Pakistan. PCP mandates are to protect, promote and maintain the health, safety, and wellbeing of patients and the public who use Pakistan's pharmaceutical services.   

Pakistan Nursing & Midwifery Council:   
The Pakistan Nursing and Midwifery Council (PNMC) is an independent regulatory authority established under the Pakistan Nursing Council Act of (1952, 1973) and subsequently amended in 2023. It operates under the framework of the Pakistan Nursing and Midwifery Amended Act of 2023. PNMC’s primary mandate is to grant licenses and registration to healthcare professionals, including Nurses, Midwives, Lady Health Visitors (LHVs), and Nursing Auxiliaries, allowing them to practice legally within Pakistan. The PNMC was founded in 1948 and has since played a crucial role in ensuring the competence and ethical standards of nursing and midwifery professionals across the country.